On yesterday's lunchtime run I spotted the hedgerows filling up with blackberries, so I went back today to pick them. I got a few looks from the car drivers but there you go!
So I'll add them to the pounds of apples that Doug gave me and they can be cooked and frozen ready for making crumbles.
An evening foray into the garden for some watering returned lots of mini tomatoes and even some of the plum toms were turning (finally). I think the plum ones are really struggling outside with all the welsh weather.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Sunday, 4 September 2011
A glut of damsons again
Picked the last of the damsons from the tree and now trying to work out what to do with them.....
Fortunately we bought some more preserving jars and brandy so some went that way, also the same recipe but with gin. The rest went into the freezer (I'll think of something....)
Fortunately we bought some more preserving jars and brandy so some went that way, also the same recipe but with gin. The rest went into the freezer (I'll think of something....)
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