Thursday, 29 November 2012

Much cuteness

After making some very cute bunting for baby Hollie from Moda's fairy ballerina fabric, her Mum asked if I could make a beanbag as I did for Hollie's brother.  I wasn't sure how the Moda fabric would hold out as a beanbag fabric as it's just standard medium weight cotton.  So I went hunting in the curtain shop for some matching heavier weight fabric.  I found a lovely dusky pink stripped fabric that I think matched the fairies.
I do like making beanbags as they're so easy to do (and quick!), and you don't have to be so careful about accuracy. The only slightly fiddley thing is putting the zip in - I couldn't get a long enough one for the whole of the base so there are two that meet in the centre. I may have put a few too many beans in the  bag as it's quite solid, but they'll squidge down with small people jumping on it....

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Aladdin's cave

 Gill at work keeps telling me how amazing the fabric shop Abakhan in Mostyn is, so with a requirement to get lots of fabric for various projects I went off to investigate... It's amazing!  There are multiple buildings, a big two storey one full of fabric, a knitting building, a craft building and a cafe.  I was in my element - armed with my shopping list I wandered around, but I was so in awe that I just didn't know where to start!  There are big cages full of different types of scrap fabrics, all priced per the kilo (yes, kilo not metre!) so it's just a case of routing through them and finding what you want.  And even though I said "scraps" some of the fabric is full width and 2-3m long.
So this is what contributed to the state of the living room at the moment....

I've finished the top and the back for the Bleakley baby quilt, so there was a process of clearing space and then taping the quilt out to baste it (pin it) which took a while and hurt my fingers!  I got a bit carried away as well, so did all the cutting out for Nan's quilt.  There was a plan to do something fairly complicated which would take a while, so I decided to simplify and just do simple blocks like this

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Fabric addiction

The trouble with being on mailing lists is that you get updates on lovely new fabrics, like these:

So now I just need to find something to make from it.... I'm thinking of a throw for the sofa bed in the snug, maybe a block quilt like this:

The trouble is that there really are not enough hours in the day....