Monday, 16 April 2012


Looking back now (and I really should go to bed instead of writing this) I can't remember what we did this weekend.  Most of Saturday was taking up with the first full day of the Beekeeping course (more on that next month), then it was out in the garden for Sunday.  I did skive off for the morning to go out on my bike and visit the bike shop and whilst I was out Mal got stuck in to burning stuff and scarifying the rest of the garden lawn (as opposed to the straggly meadow). He'd also done more digging/clearing of the polytunnel excavations on Friday.

So I got stuck in to cleaning and proofing the bricks on the patio wall above where the cottage garden is going to go. I got a big pile of plants in pots on the patio - either from seed or cheap offers, and somehow they're all going to fit into the one small flower bed!  Maybe I'll have to save some for the next bed.

I'm really happy I got that done as I've been so keen to get that area planted up (for the last year!) so next weekend I can get stuck in.  Good timing as the plants are starting to break free of their pots....

Then I planted some seeds - I think it was Tom's, Peppers, Squash, but I can't remember what the forth thing was... oh well. Bed now.

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