Well we were lucky yesterday. I'd committed to going riding with some of the MBNW lot around Llyn Brenig and Alwen as a way to ease ourselves back into the mountain biking. Given the weather forecast for the day I'd expected us to get soaked so was fully prepared with waterproofs, mudguards and a complete change of clothes for the finish. However the weather God shined on us - literally! I think we must have been in the only bit of North Wales that didn't rain. Didn't stop the trail being muddy though - the link section to the north between the two lakes, doesn't ever dry out.
Sunday was a different story - I was hoping we'd get something done in the garden, but the rain started again. I didn't let that get me down though - off to the polytunnel to get wet by washing down the inside of the plastic, getting rid of the dead bugs and as much greenery (mold) as possible. We did quite a good job, but it was difficult to get to the bits where the sides roll up so I think we'll have to try that again from the outside.
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